Saturday 20 August 2011

Area Formulas

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Area of Plane Shapes

Area = ½b × h
b = base
h = vertical height
Area = a2
a = length of side
Area = w × h
w = width
h = height
Area = b × h
b = base
h = vertical height
Trapezoid (US)
Trapezium (UK)
Area = ½(a+b) × h
h = vertical height
Area = πr2
r = radius
Area = πab
Area = ½r2θ 
r = radius
θ = angle in radians
Here is an example:

Example: What is the area of this rectangle?

Area Count
The formula is:
Area = w × h
w = width
h = height
We know w = 5 and h = 3, so:
Area = 5 × 3 = 15

parallelogram = bh 

trapezoid = h/2 (b1 + b2

triangle =one half times the base length times the height of the triangle

equilateral triangle =

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triangle given SAS (two sides and the opposite angle)= (1/2) a b sin C
triangle given a,b,c = sqrt[s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)] when s = (a+b+c)/2 (Heron's formula)
regular polygon = (1/2) n sin(360°/n) S2
   when n = # of sides and S = length from center to a corner

Surface area.

A = 4πr2  (sphere).

List of formulae

Common formulae for area:
Regular triangle(equilateral triangle)\tfrac14\sqrt{3}s^2\,\!s is the length of one side of the triangle.
Triangle\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}\,\!s is half the perimeter, ab and care the length of each side.
Triangle\tfrac12 a b \sin(C)\,\!a and b are any two sides, and Cis the angle between them.
Triangle\tfrac12bh \,\!b and h are the base and altitude(measured perpendicular to the base), respectively.
Squares^2\,\!s is the length of one side of the square.
Rectanglelw \,\!l and w are the lengths of the rectangle's sides (length and width).
Rhombus\tfrac12aba and b are the lengths of the twodiagonals of the rhombus.
Parallelogrambh\,\!b is the length of the base and h is the perpendicular height.
Trapezoid\tfrac12(a+b)h \,\!a and b are the parallel sides and hthe distance (height) between the parallels.
Regular hexagon\tfrac32\sqrt{3}s^2\,\!s is the length of one side of the hexagon.
Regular octagon2\left(1+\sqrt{2}\right)s^2\,\!s is the length of one side of the octagon.
Regular polygon\frac{1}{4}nl^2\cdot \cot(\pi/n)\,\!l is the side length and n is the number of sides.
Regular polygon\frac{1}{4n}p^2\cdot \cot(\pi/n)\,\!p is the perimeter and n is the number of sides.
Regular polygon\frac{1}{2}nR^2\cdot \sin(2\pi/n) = nr^2 \tan(\pi/n)\,\!R is the radius of a circumscribed circle, r is the radius of an inscribed circle, and n is the number of sides.
Regular polygon\tfrac12a p \,\!a is the apothem, or the radius of an inscribed circle in the polygon, and p is the perimeter of the polygon.
Circle\pi r^2\ \text{or}\ \frac{\pi d^2}{4} \,\!r is the radius and d the diameter.
Circular sector\tfrac12 r^2 \theta \,\!r and θ are the radius and angle (inradians), respectively.
Ellipse\pi ab \,\!a and b are the semi-major andsemi-minor axes, respectively.
Total surface area of a Cylinder2\pi r (r + h)\,\!r and h are the radius and height, respectively.
Lateral surface area of a cylinder2 \pi r h \,\!r and h are the radius and height, respectively.
Total surface area of a Cone\pi r (r + l) \,\!r and l are the radius and slant height, respectively.
Lateral surface area of a cone\pi r l \,\!r and l are the radius and slant height, respectively.
Total surface area of a Sphere4\pi r^2\ \text{or}\ \pi d^2\,\!r and d are the radius and diameter, respectively.
Total surface area of an ellipsoidSee the article.
Total surface area of a PyramidB+\frac{P L}{2}\,\!B is the base area, P is the base perimeter and L is the slant height.
Square to circular area conversion\frac{4}{\pi} A\,\!A is the area of the square in square units.
Circular to square area conversion\frac{1}{4} C\pi\,\!C is the area of the circle in circular units.

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